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  • Writer's pictureRinku Ghosh

Cultural Gems out of East Africa

Just came back from Kenya and Rwanda. Two beautiful and distinct countries in East Africa.

Rolling hills of low grass savannah of Massai Mara, Kenya is perfect playground where all wild lives reign freely. Animal behaviors in their free kingdom were a humbling experience. They are smart indeed!

Vibrant capital city Nairobi, Kenya has Kazuri beads factory. Kazuri means "small and beautiful" in Swahili language. Each piece is handcrafted and hand-painted in rich colors reflecting the culture and wildlife of Kenya. The Kazuri beads in the *first* necklace were handpicked and the Silver clasp was handmade in my home studio.The finished necklace speaks beautiful and vibrant Kenya!

Rwanda is a land of thousand hills and most densely populated in the African continent. Land is precious for this tiny yet resilient and powerful country. Beautiful terraced farming of mountain slopes reflects harmonious living of all Rwandans. Endangered mountain gorillas are protected in the rain forest slopes of Virunga mountain range in north west part of the country. Unique designs of Rwandan handwoven grass mats and baskets reached Global market quite a few years back.They also focus on recycling form of arts.

From my past visit to Arusha,Tanzania I picked up these Green Amethyst beads( with a lot of inclusions).

The Silver clasp (with Bronze accent) is from my home studio. The finished necklace reminded me of yet another East African story!

Till next time. Thanks!


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